Westchester Community College provides services for students with documented learning disabilities, psychiatric disabilities, physical disabilities, visual, hearing, and other health impairments. We encourage individuals with disabilities to contact us to learn what support services are available to meet varying needs. Current services include but are not limited to the following:
Pre-admission counseling
Assistance at registration
Supportive and vocational counseling
Referral to other campus services and appropriate community agencies
Referral for diagnostic assessment as necessary
Self-advocacy training
Planning for after graduation
Orientation and referral to tutorial services
Assistance with developing learning strategies, coping and organizing skills
Assistance in arranging for note takers, interpreters, readers and scribes
Proctoring for special testing
Arranging for classroom accommodations
Special parking for physically disabled students
Ramps, elevators and electronic doors
Liaison with professors, high schools, community agencies, families
Creating a responsive campus environment
Supporting and assisting faculty in understanding and meeting individual needs
Providing information about specific disabilities and related laws
Spectrum Optelec print enlarger
Kurzweil Omni 3000 scanning/screen reading software for learning disabled
Kurzweil Omni 1000 scanning/screen reading software for visually impaired
JAWS screen reader computer software
Zoomtext onscreen magnifier
Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software
Duxbury Braille Translator software
Braille printer
Texas Instruments Interactive onscreen TI 83 graphing calculator
Variable speed tape recorders
Infra-red listening system
You need to know about your disability. Know the things that you do well. Know the things that are difficult for you. Know your strengths and weaknesses. Know what assistance has been helpful to you in dealing with your disability.
Coming to college means rearranging your life. Financial needs, time demands, study schedules and course work vary greatly from high school. College courses require more study time outside of the classroom. Expectations of student performance are greater, and competition may be more intense. These expectations can be met with good advance planning. Apply for financial aid early. Consider the number of hours it will be necessary for you to work. Make reliable transportation arrangements. Family and personal responsibilities and time commitments must also be considered. Set realistic goals
and priorities for course work.
YOU are responsible for requesting support services. YOU need to contact the professionals
responsible for assisting students with disabilities. By law we cannot contact you about your needs. Make contact each semester, as early as possible, to discuss what your needs will be. Submit current documentation about your disability before school starts, or as soon as possible. Understand that services provided in college may differ from those you received in high school.
At the start of every semester contact each of your instructors to arrange for course assistance and accommodations. Your disability must qualify you for the accommodations requested. We can help you arrange these accommodations and may have some additional ideas that can assist you in becoming a more successful student. You must make arrangements in advance (as soon as the exam is announced, not the day of the exam) for accommodations such as extra time. Remember that extra time may only help if you do the necessary preparation and attend classes regularly.
Make contact with us regularly to discuss your progress and to identify your needs in each class. If you are having trouble, see the professionals who help students with disabilities. Keeping in contact with these offices will help you succeed.
Professor Marcia Kalkut
Counselor/Coordinator for
Students with Disabilities
Office: CLA 4 Phone: (914) 606-6552
Professor Sharon Massey
Learning Disabilities Specialist
Office: LIBRARY, Ground Floor, G47
Phone: (914) 606-6626
Professor Barbara Begnal Scovotti
Coordinator of Accommodations for
Students with Disabilities
Office: LIBRARY, Ground Floor, G51
Phone: (914) 606-8585 or 606-6287 Fax: (914) 606-7893
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