Saturday, January 30, 2010

"A Rose for Emily," by William Faulkner

BY 10:00 PM EST

When was the last time you received roses? or, when was the last time you gave roses to someone? Why were the roses given to you? or, why did you give the roses?


  1. The last time I was given a rose was for Valentine’s Day. I was given the rose by my boyfriend Mike. He gave them to me because that’s usually what you give on Valentine’s Day and he thought I would like them, because he knows I love roses. He also gave them to me to show his love for me, considering that was you usually give roses to someone for. The last time I gave someone else s rose was my sister. I gave her the roses because she had graduated from high school and she deserved them. I gave them to her because I wanted to let her know how much I love her and how proud of her I was.
    -Alexandra Glokler

  2. The last time I was given a rose was about 7 months ago. I was giving the roses by my boyfriend. The roses that he had giving me were white because he knew that they were my favorite, and also because he wanted to be forgiving for a mistake he had committed. The last time I gave a rose to someone was before the start of the school year, and it was to someone very special to me, my mom. I usually give my mom roses, when she least expect them. I like to remind her that to me she is like a rose, delicate and beautiful! and also to thank her for being my best friend, who i love with all my heart.

  3. I can honestly say I never recieved roses for anything special. But I have recieved regular flowers also I gave my mother roses before, just because she was going through a rough time with everything, and flowers usually always puts a smile on peoples faces.

  4. I have never received roses or any other kind of flowers. I think that flowers are more likely given to women. The last time I gave roses was on my mother's birthday. I wanted to let her know that I love her and apreciate everything she has done for me. Roses are for me something like symbol of love and passion.

  5. My parents gave me roses after my high school graduation. On Mother's Day my brother and I always give out mom houses because they are her favorite flowers.

  6. The last time I received roses were about 6-7 years ago on valentines day from my son's father. I never give guys roses because it is more like a women thing, but i give my mom on mother's day. I personally don't find roses to be something special but it is a nice gesture, I am more of a clothes or jewelry gal myself.

  7. The last time I received roses was when my husband gave them to me, but that was long time ago. He probably gave them to me to apologize for something he did wrong.
    When it comes to giving roses I always give roses to my friends and family on their birthdays. It is a tradition derived from my home country where we always give roses to people on their birthdays and name days. In Poland, we have both, my birthday is on August 23rd and my name day is on July 26th. I love summer!

  8. I gave roses to my wife exactly one month ago to celebrate our aniversary. I guess that roses are an excellent gift to celebrate all kind of especial occasion.

  9. The last time I gave roses was on my grandmother's birthday. I gave them to her because, I wanted to let her know how much I appreciate and love her.

  10. The last time i was given roses was last year for my birthday. I was given them by my brother. The roses were pink(my favorite color),to show me that he cares and loves me. The last time I gave roses to someone was to my mom on Mothers day. I gave her roses to show her that shes my best friend,and to let her know that she mesns the world to me. Also, a rose can express many different feelings such as: love, friendship, passion, forgiveness, and are excellent for any occassion.
    Gaby Portilla

  11. I can not remember last time i got a rose from someone or the time i've given one. I think it can be romantic and a lot of girls like getting roses but for me it doesn't matter. I can be happy with any type of gift as long as you give me something that comes from the heart.

  12. Roses are a great gift for any ocasion. They can represent love, pasion, peace, happiness, friendship, or loyalty. I love roses, those mean to much to me. I really like the fact that my boyfriend always sorprised me with a nice bunch of red roses. It was very lovely of him to give me roses and that meant more than anything else in the world. when is my mother's birthday i like to buy a lot for her because she loves them too.

  13. I am from India and we use rose to pray god.In our culture rose play very religious part and people believe it is holy flower. When I was about to move USA my childhood friend gave me rose as good luck. Me and my friend grownup together and we were very good friends and she gave me rose as farewell gift.Rose are the symbol of beauty, peace and love and I guess she gave me rose for beauty of our friendship.

  14. The last time i gave a rose was about 2 weeks ago to my mother one night after work. I bought them for her just to show her that i was thinking about her and that i love her. Just a gesture for her to say that she deserves flowers on any day it does not have to be on a special day.

    Kristina Martin

  15. The last time I got a rose was for Valentines day of 2009. I did not have a valentine that year so i was really surprised that someone was actually thinking of me. I also gave a rose to my mother because she was in the hospital because she had kidney stones. I think its is really nice when you get a rose because it makes you feel special that day.
