Thursday, April 1, 2010

The American Civil War (1861-1865)

(Effects of a shell on the body of a Confederate soldier)
(click on picture to enlarge it to see the gruesome details)

Due Tuesday, April 6, 2010,
@ 10:00 PM EDT

Google "Interesting facts about the American Civil War." Find one interesting fact (that has not already been posted on this blog) and post it. Be sure to put the information into your own words (i.e., don't cut and paste from another website) to avoid plagiarism.

Be sure to put your first name and the initial of your last name on the post, or it will be rejected and we won't be able to enjoy your comment!


  1. kristina.martin@ymail.comApril 2, 2010 at 12:06 AM

    While googling about the American Civil War i found it interesting that Black soldiers were paid $10 a month which was 3 dollars less than white soldiers. Even thought the black soldiers and the white soldiers were equally fighting for there country and putting there lives on the line the black soldiers were not being paid the same. It only shows that even if you are doing something just as dangerous and courageous it doesn't always mean you will get the same fair treatment as another person. In my point of view that is not very honorable of the army which is a key element that the live and swear by.

  2. During the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863, general Stonewall Jackson died. He was shot by his own men, who by mistake they thought that he was one of their enemies. Another fact that I found was that most of the deaths that happened during the Civil War, were mainly caused by many diseases such as, fevers,tuberculosis, etc,and not by the bullets from the war.
    -Gabriela Portilla-

  3. During one of the battles in Virginia, the Battle of Cold Harbor, it is estimated that nearly 7,000 soldiers died in a span of 20 minutes. General Ulysses S. Grant always regretted that assault on the heavily fortified Confederate position

  4. During the American Civil War, more men died from disease than died from actual combat.There is no exact number on the deaths of the man who died due from disease, because many records have been lost or destroyed!! But the estimates of the total nummber of Civil War deaths at over 600,000 for both sides combined. Of that number, just over 200,000 were from combat and the rest were from disease and other causes.

  5. There were many notable generals of the Union Army including Generals Ulysses S. Grant, Phil Sheridan, William Tecumseh Sherman, George Armstrong Custer and George McClellan. Overall there were more than 550 Union generals who served during the Civil War.
    Jan Brajer

  6. During the Civil War, more than 3 Million Men fought, 620,000 of the 3 million lost their lives, by the end of the war Unionists from every state except for Georgia, sent regiments to fight for the north, in the span of two days at Shiloh on the banks of the Tennessee River, more Americans fell than in all previous American wars combined.


  7. During the American Civil War over 620.000 solders were killed or missing in action. The civil War killed more solders than the American Revolution, World war I, World War II, the War against Switzerland, the War of 1812, and the War in Vietnam. The American Civil War was the the bloodiest war in American history.

  8. The civil war was one of the most horrific war in American history due to how brother against brothers killed each other because they had diferrent views on slavery. This war was also kowned as "The Brother's War".

  9. I found interesting to know that the last man to die in combat was killed more than a month after the surrender ceremony, in a battle at Palmito Ranch in Texas.

  10. After researching the Civil War I found some intresting facts.The Civil War is the largest and most grusome war in American History. Also, it took place from, April 12, 1861 to June of 1865, which is a short period of time for the amount of casualties. Another intresting fact is that in 1864, Uylsses S. Grant was assigned the Lieutenant General position which was previously held by George Washington. Now a Lieutenant General Grant led 533,000 men in the Union Army. Then after three years, Grant became president of the U.S.

  11. Two percent of the total American population died in the Civil War.
    -Ana Luisa Crivorot

  12. The American Civil War was also known as "The War Between the States".
    -Alexandra G
