Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lady Luck

Due Tuesday, April 13, 2010
@ 10:00 PM EDT

What does it mean to be lucky?

Be sure to put your first name and the initial of your last name on the post, or it will be rejected and we won't be able to enjoy your comment!


  1. What i think it means to be lucky is something to think of yourself as. To me good and bad luck do not exist it is merely a thought. People can carry around all of their good luck charms and believe that they have something going on which they call luck, but to me it does not exist. I think this because there is no proof of luck.


  2. To be lucky is when someone is in need of something like money and they might be walking in the street and find themselves the money to solve their problems. I had a friend who was the luckiest guy in my job and one day he tells me that he needed money in order to pay his rent. If i loan him some money i knew i would never get it back again. Therefor i did no loan him the money. Then the next day we are walking in the parking lot of Whole Foods which was my job, and we wr walking and he suddenly sees something green in the floor. He goes to check what it is and what do you know? He finds three hundred dollars rolled up with a ruber band around it. He was so happy that day that he went and celebrated his good luck but unfortunately he ended up wasting erything he had found. I found out that the next day when he asked me again to loan him some money. I hope someday i find the money i need to solve my problem.

  3. In my opinion, I think to be luck is something good or beneficial that happens to someone. Luck is something that just happens randomly it's never expected. The most popular type of incidents that are believed to be luck is discovering money and an escape from death. Recently I had a car accident which could of potentially ended in death, but I'm lucky because I still have my chance at life again.

  4. To me luck is an attitude of how you choose to see your present situation. If I focused on the things I don’t have than I would say, “I’m so unlucky”. However, if I focus on everything I posses: food, shelter, good health, wonderful family and friends, living in a free country, than I would say, “I’m extremely lucky.”

  5. In my personal opinion I think that being lucky is when some people unconsciously make better choices than others. Also, in other to have luck I think that one needs to have total confidence in what actions he/she takes. For example, people who think of themselves as being lucky, seem to have a positive life and always expect good things to happen to them. However, one needs to remember how to use their luck in a wise and responsible manner or else you are not going to be so lucky and have the positive results you were expecting.
    -Gabriela Portilla-

  6. being lucky is to obtain a positive resault for something that we have wished for with out working hard for it. In many cases a good attitude helps to attract those good resaults.

  7. The word lucky, it has many meanings to many different people. To me lucky is being able to have all i have at this moment. Lucky for me is spending time with my family without any interruption. I don't usually have time to be home with work, school and my own team. My mom considers it to be luck to have me with them in a family reunion or trip. Which i agree with her too.

  8. To be lucky, to me means that everything goes the way you wanted it to. I think it means that everything you asked for has happened and some. I think to be lucky means that when something is going wrong, out of no where thing will change for the better.
    -Alexandra G

  9. To me being lucky is having all the blessings that one wants for themselves in life all at one time because of faith or from ones success.
    Kristina M.

  10. Lucky for me is when you find yourself with a bit of fortune that you never expected. But I don't believe in luck I believe in destinity.

    Kristian M. Larios
